
We made the most of our ten-hour layover in Doha, Qatar, with a guided tour of the city and traditional dinner at Souq Waqif, capping off the night by watching the Notre Dame and USC games in the Qatar Airways lounge before our overnight flight to Cape Town.


Cape Town

In Cape Town, South Africa, we toured the city, enjoyed High Tea, ascended Table Mountain, explored the Cape of Good Hope (where we met penguins!) and dined in wine country.



In Gansbaai, South Africa, we got up close and personal with nature on a cage dive, spotting great white sharks, bronze whaler sharks, rays and even a playful baby seal (who, thankfully, was not eaten by the sharks!)



From the Royal Malewane lodge in the Thornybush Private Game Reserve on the Western Border of The Greater Kruger National Park, we spotted Africa’s Big Five animals (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant and Cape buffalo) as well as monkeys, birds, giraffes and more.


Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

After landing in Zambia, we crossed the famous Bridge into Zimbabwe, where we stayed in a treehouse overlooking the Zambezi River. We fell in love with the hippos, hiked around and helicoptered over the Falls, sipped High Tea and zip-lined over the gorge.



In Johannesburg, we relaxed at the Hotel Saxon spa then toured the city, experiencing both the terror of Prison #3 and the triumph of the Constitutional Court and visited Nelson Mandela’s house.